I am so excited to finally make our official blog announcement that Karl and I are expecting a new addition to our family on August 8, 2008 (that's right, 8/8/08)! It has been so hard keeping this a secret from everyone (and if you happen to know my parents, then they probably already told you since they can barely contain themselves). Today marks the first day of my second trimester and I'm hoping that means no more morning/afternoon/evening/night sickness. We are planning to find out if it's a boy or girl and that should happen at the end of this month, so be looking for a big announcement around then! I've put up the picture we got at our first ultrasound from the beginning of January; the baby is over three times the size now as in the picture and growing quickly! My clothes are already becoming a little too tight and you can often catch me in maternity pants because they are oh so comfortable :)
I'll keep everyone up-to-date on baby information in the coming months!

little peanut...
i'm sooooo excited!!! i love all THREE of you Schlegel's!
hooray! now i don't have to keep my mouth shut anymore! can't wait to find out if its a little girl peanut or a boy peanut!!!
Yeah baby Schlegel!!!! He or she is so cute! Can't wait till you find out if its a boy or girl (I think its a boy :) See you soon!
I think No peanuts just punkins... I can't wait to meet Baby Schlegel and I freakin miss you and want to see your belly very soon, missy!
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