After two hours of downloading, I finally got up a few pics that we took with our new camera! Last week, Karl and I went into the vineyard that we live on and got some really beautiful pictures (at least we think so!). The grapes just started coming out, so they are still pretty small. We are still trying to figure out all the settings this camera has, so please put up with us until we get a hang of it!

Pretty peaches that match the sunset

The hydrangea in our backyard

Last week I went over to Leighanna and Ben's to use Luke as my guinea pig as I try to figure out the best way to take pics of babies/little kids (I figure I should start practicing)! Luke is one of my favorite kids of all time and we love to hang out with Leighanna and Ben; we are going to miss this family sooooo much when they move back to the states in September!

How can you not fall instantly in love with this little guy?!?!

I'll get pictures up in the next few days from our trip to Tuscany (I promise!).
great talking to you today! go check elizabeth's blog- she had a girl!
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