Monday, September 22, 2008

8 week check-up

Just wanted to report that Parker had a great check-up this week! I can't believe my little guy will be 8 weeks old tomorrow- he's growing up so fast! At his appt. on Monday, he weighed in at 11 lbs 3 oz (a little piglet!) and just shy of 21 inches. He got all of his first shots which I think was harder on me than it was on him and I was very glad to have my wonderful husband there to hold my hand through it! This week is pretty hectic as we are getting ready to fly back to the states this Friday- I'm pretty sure that I'm packing everything Parker owns :) I'll be home from this Friday until Nov. 4 and I can't wait to see all our family and friends and have them meet Parker! Here are some of the latest pics of my sweet boy- enjoy!


A.K. said...

good luck traveling! can't wait to catch up once you are stateside... any chance you are making a trip to texas to see your sister?! i'll come visit!!!

Elizabeth said...

he is growing soo quick!! he is getting cuter each picture =) keep us posted while in the states