This past weekend, Karl and I took my parents up north to Assisi and Pisa for three days and also went away to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary! We had been to Assisi already, but fell in love with the city and wanted to bring my parents there and they are officially in love with it, too! We spent our actual anniversary in Pisa and it was so exciting to see the leaning tower (even though it was pouring the whole time we were there). I'm gearing up to fly home tomorrow and hope I get to see all my family and friends while I'm home since it's the last time I'll be home without having a baby with me!
A new belly shot- 24 weeks- he is kicking and moving around alllll of the time and my belly button has officially turned out (not my favorite part of pregnancy). We took this picture in our hotel room in Assisi, so we have an awesome background for the belly shot this week :)

Another view from our hotel room onto the valley below.

Enjoying that beautiful view- la dolce vita!

The Rocca Maggiore (the watch tower/castle of Assisi).

Assisi as you drive up- pictures can't even do this justice!

Mom and Dad in Assisi with the million dollar view behind them.

Karl and I :)

Outside of the San Francescan Duomo (Cathedral).

I was playing with my pigeon friends and trying to learn to fly I guess.

Awwww...smooches and belly holding

Can you tell that we liked taking pictures of the view???

Onto our trip to Pisa....
This is the view as you walk through the walled entrance to Pisa...we were so excited and couldn't believe that we were actually looking at the leaning tower after seeing it countless times in pictures since we were kids! The duomo is the building in front of the tower. Can you tell how bad the weather was with all those umbrellas in the picture?

I am superwoman...look at how effortlessly I can hold up the tower with just one hand and hold my umbrella with the other...amazing!

Notice how Karl needed two hands to keep it up...

A picture of the three famous buildings in Pisa...the baptistry in front, the Duomo, and the tower.

Mom, Dad, and I with the leaning tower
can't wait to see that belly in person! i missed your call yesterday by like 2 minutes- i had just stepped outside! call me when you get into town! we need to talk about meeting up! I MUST SEE YOU! love and miss you!
cute pictures! I especially love the smooches/belly grope. You can tell the kiddo is cute already. Also a fan of the one-handed Pisa support-very creative! miss you, lady. have fun at your shower.
Thanks for telling me about your blog! How wonderful it is to hear you're having a baby! Babies are such a precious blessing. Hope you're enjoying feeling those little kicks, punches and hiccups that were so exciting to me while I was pregnant! I'm jealous of your gorgeous view of Italy's landscape; we get to view bags of trash being thrown over the balcony of our neighbors upstairs!
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