The past week has been super busy with my parents in town- we've gone everywhere in and around Naples and are going to Assisi and Pisa for a long weekend (also mine and Karl's 1 year anniversary!!!!). My parents got in on Friday and since then we've gone to Ischia (an island near Capri that you can see from our bedroom patio), Pozzuoli downtown area, Pompei, Vietri on the Almafi Coast, and some small side trips. They're in Rome for the last few days of their trip next week and then on Friday I fly back to the states for about 2 weeks...busy busy!
Me, Mom, and Dad in the port of Pozzuoli while waiting for our ferry to Ischia. We had such a great time down there because the fish market was in full swing on Sunday morning. The fishermen were all coming in and showing off their catches...the big suprise was all of the octopuses (octopi?) in buckets still alive and wiggling around...I don't know how people can eat that!

More of the port...we can see this from our house so it was great to see it up close finally.

The port of Ischia!!! This island is sooo beautiful and peaceful- it isn't very touristy which makes it much more enjoyable.

More of the port...breathtaking!

Karl and I on the main road...kind of like a boardwalk I guess. (Karl likes to hold onto the belly!)

Dad, Mom, and Karl on the boardwalk. Everyone is so amazed that we have palm trees everywhere in southern Italy (we have one in our backyard, too)!

A view from the ferry in the Bay of Pozzuoli.

On Monday we went to Pompei- the weather was sooooo much better than last time I was here, so I took some more pictures.

Mom and Dad in the municipal square

The main market area with Vesuvius in the background (the clouds are covering up part of it).

I'll get up some more pictures next week when we get back from vacation (and some new belly shots, too)! Baby and I are doing just fine and he's growing very quickly and kicking all the time- still no names picked out yet!
you guys all look great! glad to hear you're having a good time, and happy anniversary! can't believe it's already been a year since your beautiful wedding. love you all!
Just wanted to leave a little note to say Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you are having fun and have a wonderful day! I love all your pictures, it looks like you are having a fabulous time with your family :) Miss you, see you soon!
Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time! I just wanted to say it's hard to believe that it has been a year since we were all celebrating your marriage on Ft. Monroe. What a beautiful day! Look how much ground you have covered in one year. So many wonderful blessings to celebrate!
Enjoy your day!
Love- Tina and Bret and Cooper too!
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