Friday, July 27, 2007

We're Here!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that Karl and I made it to Italy in one piece! It has been hard trying to get over jet lag (we're six hours ahead of all of you on the East Coast), but with a few naps, we seem to be doing better. We haven't seen much of Naples yet, but we have an appointment Tuesday morning to go look at possible housing over on the Bay of Naples! Tonight we went car shopping and it looks like our first car here will be a red BMW- very exciting! They're shutting down the library here in a few minutes, so I've got to go- Karl and I miss everyone terribly! Ciao!


A.K. said...

i can't believe you are over there!!! i'm so jealous and want to come visit- thanks for the update- was waiting to hear that you had arrived safely!!!

miss you!

Our Hope said...

We expect lots of pictures of Italy...especially y'all riding around in that red BMW! We're so glad you made it safely...have a fabulous time exploring!

Cphinz said...

Glad ya'll made it safe & sound without any problems.......lost luggage....etc.

Red BMW....was hoping to see ya'll on a scooter!

Keep in touch!